Friday, 12 August 2011

Ron Paul Iowa Debate Highlights

Ron Paul’s message hits America
Last night the GOP presidential candidates went head to head in a debate. Many of the issues plaguing the US were talked about but one voice emerged over the rest. Ron Paul was given a lot of air-time to make his points which some people have complained about. Is a new era of political thought around the bend?

Last night the GOP presidential candidates went head to head in a debate. Many of the issues plaguing the US were talked about but one voice emerged over the rest. Ron Paul was given a lot of air-time to make his points which some people have complained about. Is a new era of political thought around the bend? Kristine Frazao is in Iowa to tell us more.

Follow Kristine on Twitter at!/Frazzie

Ron Paul on FOX News 08/12/11

Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website

Ron Paul Gives Rick Santorum a History Lesson on Iran
Ron Paul gave Rick Santorum a history lesson last night at the Ames, Iowa, GOP debate. After Paul said there is no evidence the Iranians are developing nuclear weapons and the United States should mind its own business, Santorum launched into the standard establishment narrative.

He said Iran “must be confronted,” in other words the U.S. must go to war against the Islamic nation, and then described Iran’s government as “a mullahcracy that tramples the rights of women, tramples the rights of gays, tramples the rights of people all throughout their society — and is the greatest supporter of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world.”

Paul then gave the former Pennsylvania senator a history lesson. Anthony Gregory, writing for, filled in the details:

First, Santorum says Iran has been at war with the United States since 1979. Ron points out that the bad blood between Americans and Iranians began in 1953, when a CIA coup installed the Shah. Indeed, we should remember that before 1953, the Iranians tended to look very warmly upon the Americans, who, unlike the British, had left the Iranians alone. Their democratically elected leader Mohammad Mosaddegh, partly for his popularity due to his resistance to British corporate imperialism, was even Time Magazine‘s Man of the Year in 1951.

Not only did the U.S. install the Shah two years later; the CIA taught his secret police force, Savak, how to torture. Savak went on to imprison and torture tens of thousands of political prisoners, adopting such practices of nearly unfathomable brutality as using broken glass and boiling water on subjects’ rectums, mutilating women’s breasts, and cooking victims alive.

After years of being ruled by this U.S.-backed regime, the Iranians overthrew the Shah and the Islamic Revolution of 1979 swept the nation. But, despite what the propagandists say, Iranians still did not hate Americans for our freedom — only for our government’s foreign policy. All the attempts to get Iranians angry at Americans for our culture or modernity failed, Michael Scheuer, former CIA counterterrorism expert, points out.

Read the rest of Gregory's post

Mohammad Mosaddegh

Even the establishment newspaper, the Washington Post, is now sheepishly admitting the obvious – Ron Paul is a front-runner in the race for the GOP nomination. The Post is still in denial, however. It says Michele Bachmann will come out on top. It predicts Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, and Paul will tussle to become winners of both the debates and the Ames Straw Poll scheduled for later today.

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