Friday, 26 August 2011

Remote Control War

Robots only have the ethics with which they are programmed, and human/robot wars raise many ethical questions.  Does the ability to kill anyone, anywhere, using a robot, amount to lawlessness?  What happens when future robots can decide, on their own, whom to kill?  Would the military send out an autonomous swarm of micro-robots to kill an enemy?  Will having no casualties on your own side make going to war too easy a decision?
The development and deployment of militarized robots also opens a Pandora’s Box. Currently, the West has the upper hand, but very soon, all sides will have access to remote control weapons.  In that frightening scenario, will robots become the future’s suicide bombers?

Kaldor adds:  “When a leading roboticist tells you he wouldn't be worried if we had Terminators because he’s far more concerned with the lethal, autonomous flying robot ‘swarms’ that are being developed and tested right now, you know this is something we’d better be aware of and talking about….soon!”

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